About us

©TU Wien
Research Divison "Thermal Process Engineering and Simulation"
Who are we
"Thermal Process Engineering and Simulation" is a research division of the "Institute for Chemical, Environmental and Bioscience Engineering" at TU Wien.
Our work focuses on the experimental and simulative assessment of application oriented topics in the field of Chemical Engineering. The goal is developing new and innovative processes as well as optimization of existing ones. Furthermore, we are also optimizing single unit operations to improve the overall process efficiency.
At the moment the research division employs about 30 members ranging from university professors to prospective PhD candidates.
Where are we
We are currently located at the Getreidemarkt 9. Group members dealing with thermal process engineering can be found on the 3rd floor of building BI, while process simulation is housed in building BZ on the 2nd floor.
What are we offering
- Examination and modelling of unit operations
- Measurement and calculation of physical and chemical properties
- Simulation of overall Processes
- Fluid dynamic simulations (CFD)
- Simulation of integrated plant-designs
- Combined usage of simulation tools
- Chemometric Methods
You can find a list with our existing infrastructure here.
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