
While our research division deals with a wide variety of chemical processes one of the main topics is membrane technology and the optimization of related processes. Below you can find a selection of lectures dealing with membranes both in theory and practice.

In case you are also interested in our other main field of research CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) you can head over to cfd.at for more information.


166.654 Membrane Technology

The course presents a overview of membrane separation processes, transport phenomena and models, general aspects of module and process design as well as important industrial spearation processes (reverse osmosis, nano filtration, ultra filtration, gas permeation and many more). Calculation methods for the most important parameters of the aforementioned processes are discussed based on typical applications.

Lab and calculation exercises

166.173 Chemical Engineering 2, Laboratory

The second course of the chemical engineering laboratory is split into three sub tasks, each of them targeting one of chemical, mechanical or thermal process engineering. In the thermal process engineering part gas permeation processes are the focus of the lab course. Each group gets a unique problem dealing with different membrane designs (area, material,...), gas compositions or process parameters (temperature, pressure,...). In a short report the findings are to be presented and discussed. The report is discussed with each group to improve their understanding of the topic and their ability for scientific reasoning further.

166.653 Methods for the separation and concentration of chemicals (separation technology)

In a first step and with the support of the instructor, an experimental plan (e.g. with the concept design-of-experiment, DoE) is developed for a specific separation problem. Subsequently, this experimental plan will be realized using equipment and lab-scale plants in the research areas "Thermal Process Engineering" or "Mechanical Process Engineering". The experimental findings should summarized in a short report.

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