GP3 - Gas permeation pilot plantMobile standalone pilot plant for gas separation with a capacity of up to 6.0 m³(STP)/h.
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Pervaporation test unitLaboratory test bench for the analysis of single-stage pervaporation with a capacity of up to 200l/h.
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GP2 – gaspermeation test unitLaboratory test bench for the analysis of single-stage gaspermeation with a capacity of up to 0.5 m³(STP)/h and operating pressures ranging up to 13 bar(a).
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Gas mixing and analysis stationLaboratory gas mixing and analysis station with a capacity of up to 1.0 m³(STP)/h and operating pressures ranging up to 100 bar(a).
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Hybrid membrane and adsorption gas separation facilityLaboratory scale hybrid gas separation facility with a capacity of up to 1.0 m³(STP)/h featuring a gaspermeation membrane step (operating pressure up to 100 bar(a)) and a multi-bed adsorption step (operating pressure between 0.5 and 20 bar(a)).
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Thermostatized chamber for membrane module performance analysisFlexible and voluminous chamber for temperature-controlling membrane modules between 25 and 100°C.
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Pressure swing adsorptionLaboratory pressure swing adsorption setup with a capacity of 0.25 m³(STP)/h and operating pressures ranging up to 90 bar(a). Plant is currently under construction.
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RO/NF plantThree-staged pilot plant for pressure-driven membrane separation processes for liquid mixtures.
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SHOCOTEC – gas desulphurization unitPilot scale demonstration plant for a novel, in-house-developed process for desulphurization for energy-rich gases containing also carbon dioxide.
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